The Adventures of Dork Mommy

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Will Work for Sex

I am tired and I have a headache, and I am dying from lack of sex. I think that must also qualify as an affliction. It's been almost a year now. I've had chances, for sure, but I've passed them up because I'm looking more for a relationship. But man, a year. That's a long time.

The problem is that I don't get out much. I don't have very many friends to go out with. I'm working on that. It's also harder to get out when you need to have a babysitter, and sometimes it doesn't seem worth the trouble. Bed or bar? Bed or bar? Mmmmm...comfy bed and Netflix or call around to see if someone wants to go out to a noisy bar where a man may or may not flirt with me? Then there's the mother math: "Hmmm...if I go to sleep at midnight and Noah gets me up at 7:30, that's enough sleep...But I'd have to leave the bar by 11:30..." Not to mention I don't actually have a babysitter: it's called my little sister (other aunt) or my mother.

Also, casual sex is harder. I mean, he can't come to my place, and I hesitate to go to the home of someone I hardly know (read: possible psychopath), so it kind of precludes anything but a relationship, or at least a few dates. And most guys I date come from the internet (refer back to "I don't get out much"), and usually don't last more than one date. I usually don't find much chemistry in these dates. I'd rather see someone across a crowded know?

It's frustrating on a couple of levels. First, just physically, of course. Second, I feel like I've finally come to a really good place in my life, and I wish there were someone to share it with. Third, I wonder if I really will find someone who wants to be with a single parent. I mean, I'm not a single parent with ex baggage, since Noah is my nephew. But then again I have strange "Noah's parents" baggage. Eh. At least I don't have stretch marks.

I have to tell myself I'm still attractive and compelling and date-worthy - and that having a child is not a liability. I also have to tell myself not to lower my standards. I just need to get out and give it a shot more often.

And until then, sex toys. Lots of sex toys. :)


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